The Association
International Physicists Network is a Italian non-profit association, established with the main purpose to create, stimulate and promote an international network of young researchers in Physics, both experimental and theoretical, in order to realize the dynamics of collaboration between the different branches of Physics.
The Young Researcher Meeting has been a rapidly growing event for the last few years. Together with other initiatives emerged in several research areas, the young researcher meeting marks the awareness and the desire of PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers to play a major role in the scientific progress.
AstronomiAmo is a young no-profit organisation focused on astronomical outreach. The association offers a day-to day information on everything about Universe, but also training courses on astronomy and astrophotography (both live and online), live streaming with professionals, astronomical calculations and celestial maps useful for passionates, live events, conferences and laboratories for all ages. All in the name of sharing, funny learning and of values that astronomy teaches.
The Gravity Room is a nonprofit outreach project that was initially supported by the EC through Intra-European Marie Curie contracts and by FCT-Portugal. We are physicists, not of the kind you can see in movies or TV series, though. We are a heterogeneous group of master students, researchers, Ph.D. students and people that share their life. We are mostly "exiles" because one of the funniest part of our work is to travel continuously and work worldwide. We often share that kind of mood which is a mixture between missing our home country and being excited to live elsewhere. On the other hand, our condition provides us with a unique window on education, research and life in many different places, an experience that we believe is worth sharing.
The Association Alumni ISICT was founded in 2013 by a group of ISICT former students with the goal of:
- Creating a network among ISICT Alumni
- Fostering professional opportunities for ISICT Alumni
- Promoting the prestige of ISICT brand
The association organizes conferences and workshops inviting key players in the job market.
Find-your-Doctor is a non-profit organisation offering a top-tier service of job screening and job placement specifically dedicated to support young research professionals (graduate students, PhD or other young researchers) in the difficult and time-consuming task of finding a job position.
FyD aims to exploit the expertise of a PhD graduate making it easily accessible and valuable to the industry domain, emphasizing the technical and theoretical skills more valuable for the industry and in general for the manufacturing chain. FyD has been promoted by a consortium of companies, called C2T, dedicated to the technology transfer. FyD depicts the connection between the industry network and students/young researchers domain. Read more