Giorgio Viavattene

Giorgio Viavattene is a student of the joint PhD program in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science between Universities of Rome La Sapienza, Rome Tor Vergata and INAF.

He got the Master Degree at the University of Catania in 2016 and he worked at his thesis “Spectro-polarimetric analysis of a short lived solar active region” spending three months at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias.

Now he is part of the Solar Physics Group of University of Rome Tor Vergata and his PhD thesis is based on the characterization and observation of the solar convection and its interaction with magnetic fields. He works on spectro-polarimetric data, inversion codes, optical design, test and calibration of Fabry-Perot Interferometers for Solar Physics and optical design of MOF telescopes and other instrumentation for solar full-disk and high resolution observations.