Young Researcher Meeting
7th Young Researcher Meeting, Torino 2016
October 24th - 26th 2016
The Young Researcher Meeting moves this autumn to Torino, sponsored by the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica.
You should know the drill by now: the meeting will be organised in sessions, each one dedicated to an active research field in Physics. Topics will span:
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Condensed Matter
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Mathematical Physics
Nonlinear Sciences
Nuclear Physics
Quantum Physics
Students and post-docs will discuss their work in short talks or as poster presentations. We invite everyone, physicists and scientists working in Physics-related topics, junior and senior, to attend the meeting.
Following the success of the previous years, the rich program of the meeting will feature:
- a visit to the Astrophysical Observatory of Turin (in the nearby town of Pino Torinese) on October 25th;
- a visit to the INRIM Labs, by small advance-scheduled groups;
- a lectio magistralis held by Walter Bich on October 26th;
- a Posters & Wine session.
As for previous editions, the conference proceedings for talks and posters will be published in the IOP Conference Series.
Thanks to the support of our sponsors also this year there is NO registration fee.
Important dates to keep in mind:
- Abstract submission deadline: 12 September 2016
- Abstract acceptance notification by: 26 September 2016 (delayed to 30 September)
- Grant award notification by: 26 September 2016 (delayed to 30 September)
- Proceedings submission deadline: 20 November 2016