Young Researcher Meeting

Machine learning and big data in Physics

21 January 2021 - Online event

About the event

A half-day online event dedicated to the applications of machine learning and big data to physics, with a particular focus on biophysics, astroparticle physics and cosmology.

The event will be moderated by Dr. Luca Tubiana, researcher at the University of Trento.

To register in advance for this webinar, just click on the button below. Participation is free for all participants!



15:30 -15:40

Welcome speech

15:40 -16:10

16:10 -16:40

16:40 -16:50

Coffee break

16:50 -17:20

17:20 -18:00

Panel discussion


Francesco Maria Follega


I got my Master Degree in Particle Physics in Rome and my PhD at the University of Trento with a thesis on the decays of the Higgs boson in b-quarks recorded with the ATLAS detector. I devoted my research to develop tools for data analysis and new applications of machine learning and deep learning to high energy physics and space experiments. I worked in Italy, Switzerland and China within several scientific collaborations. Recently, I came back to Trento to continue my research and I will contribute on the future generation of the Limadou High Energy Particle Detector.

Marco Palombo

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC) and Department of Computer Science, University College London (UCL), London (UK)

Marco Palombo holds a BSc and MSc in Physics and a PhD in Biophysics from the Sapienza University (Rome, Italy). His PhD research focused on biophysical modeling of brain microstructure and water diffusion magnetic resonance (MR) techniques. Marco’s first postdoctoral position investigated the combination of metabolites diffusion MR spectroscopy techniques with computational modelling at the CEA’s Molecular Imaging Research Center in Paris (France). Since 2016, Marco joined CMIC at UCL (London, UK) as senior Research Associate and has been awarded the UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship with the aim of developing innovative diagnostic imaging tools based on MR and machine learning.

Giuseppe Puglisi

UC Berkeley 

Giuseppe Puglisi is a postdoctoral researcher at University of California, Berkeley. He graduated at SISSA -Trieste in 2017 and he   successively studied for 2 years as a post-doc at the Stanford University.   His research focuses on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)  radiation, the light relic of the Big Bang. In the past years he worked to analyze data of the Polarbear experiment and he is currently member of the CMB-Stage IV, Simons Observatory and Litebird Collaboration actively contributing in the data-analysis working packages to assess the contamination from astrophysical sources (Galactic and extra-galactic) and from instrumental systematic effects. He is also a developer of TOAST  a simulation   package used by most of the current CMB experiments. 



Luca Tubiana

University of Trento

Luca Tubiana is a senior researcher at the University of Trento, where he teaches Computational Biophysics and Introduction to Data Science for Physicists. He got his PhD in Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems in 2012 from SISSA - Trieste, and later worked as a postdoc at the Joseph Stefan Institute of Ljubljana, where he picked up an interest for the physics of RNA viruses,  and the University of Vienna, thanks to a grant for Interdisciplinary Cancer Research (INDICAR). Before coming to Trento thanks to a Rita Levi Montalcini grant, he worked as a senior data scientist for a major financial services company in Munich. His research focuses on the interplay of topological and physical properties in bio- and soft-materials, with the intent to understand  how these properties are shaped by evolution and how they can be exploited to create smart materials. Since October 2019 Luca has been the chair of the  European Topological Interdisciplinary Action - EUTOPIA Cost Action